We Build Experiences
Smart, well-designed, seamless experiences. Whether it’s a bank that needs a new mobile interface, or an entertainment icon streaming movies to the masses, our focus is on creating unique experiences that keep people coming back for more. If you’d like to build something interesting together, weshouldtalk@chapterandver.se.
Jacqui Stewart
Sr. Account Service Director—Wine & popcorn connoisseur—Married a Spanish rocket scientist—Wants to believe Adnan from Serial is innocent.
Leslie Sanborn
President, Chief Growth & Culture Officer—Master of Barre workouts—Abstainer of gluten—Can do plies for days.
Brandt Heinemann
President, Chief Strategy & Planning Officer—Lifelong student of human behavior—Vintage hi-fi stereo collector—Into ethnographic research and 70’s Harman Kardon amps.
Bri Bazo
Super rad Account Director—cat lover—bookworm and Harry Potter fangirl—digs plants but can’t figure out how to keep them alive.
Sean Murphy
Sr. Art Director—Highly skilled 3-putter—Judge Judy stan—Seeker of warm weather.
Amanda Runkle
Sr. Account Executive—Badass mother—Patriots fan—Pass the tacos and tequila.
Anni Millard
Account Director—Spreadsheet warrior—Revels in stealing dev jargon—Guffawer.
Bailey Rustik
Account Executive—Do not ask her to join your MLM—Will budget for money—Put her in charge of your next holiday party.
Randy Krus
Designer—Rewriter of copy that sucks—Windsurfer—Into Seinfeld and The Muppets. Not the new Muppets, the Old Muppets with Fozzy Bear and the two senior citizens in the balcony.
Stephanie Schreiber
Associate Creative Director—Expert rock collector—World traveler and yogi—Into design, sassy leggings and Ira Glass. Definitely Ira Glass.
Jeff Akiyama
Media Director—Fantasy golf fanatic—WSU and Bill Simmons fan—Fave SNL Sketch: ‘Middle Aged Man’.
Megan Day
Art Director—Will give your brand some serious identity—Gets excited about stationery—Can you add glitter to that?
Clint Bosma
AR Manager—Can whistle and smile at the same time—Ready to join your D&D campaign—Happy to tell you about why bonsai trees are really cool.
Alison Wright
Senior Designer—Amateur mixologist and gin enthusiast—Loves horror flicks and cinematography—Ask her about the magical number 7.
Phil Lanier
Director of Technology – Interests include psychology, engineering, physics, math, music, language, classical architecture and economics. He’s, like, really smart.
Josh Burns
Sr. Copywriter—Kiteboarder—Traveler—Lover—Not a fighter.
Sibylla Thompson
Accounts Payable Manager & Executive Assistant—Travel agent—Do everything wonder-child—Country music star in her car on the way to work.
Nathan Edminster
Technical Lead—Crafter of coffee, spirits, and software—Will talk motorcycle to you—Basketballer.
Hudson Rennaker
Art Director—Burgeoning lawn-care aficionado—No, the eagles couldn’t fly to Mordor—Hyper competitive board-gamer.
Jeff Sanborn
Founder & Chief Creative Officer—Bourbon enthusiast—Northwest’s premier hand model—Fluent in Dirk, Lerxst and Pratt.
Shaun Cammack
IT Director—Smoked meat enthusiast—Wildlife lover—Favorite spot on earth other than in front of 4 screens: The Palouse.
Karly Bosma
Account Executive—Baker of cookies—Amateur home renovator—Enjoys (like, actually enjoys) math—Is better at puzzles than you.
Renée Gorman
Social Media Strategist—Will show you the Big Picture—She knows the optimal social video length and she’s not afraid to tell you—Catch her on a plane.
Jon Merrell
Motion Designer—Finder of silver linings—Animal factoider—holsters hot sauce for emergencies.
Steve Kutsch
Associate Creative Director—Husband & Father—Climber of tall mountains—Actually loves his job. No, really. He loves it like you’d love having a koala bear in your backyard.
Michelle Frantilla
Art Director – non-stop doodler, gamer, and all around nerd. She says she has a secret weapon but no one knows what it is.
Hannah Eoff
Account Executive—Bookworm—Loves eating breakfast for dinner— Favorite holiday is Groundhog Day—Really into true crime, but not in a creepy way.
Amy Hanegan
Social Media Coordinator—Creator of content—Francophile—Equal love for champagne and french fries.
Cat Gutman
Technical Project Manager—Rely on her to be reliable—Prima Barre-lina—Find her down the rabbit hole of whatever she’s obsessing about that month.
Jen Hatton
Sr. Account Service Director—Proud boy mom—Foodie—Fluent in sarcasm and ‘90s rap lyrics.
From Complicated to Simple
We partner with big brands and small organizations to solve problems simply and quickly. Our biggest strength is helping you discover your truth and tell that story. How do we get there? We analyze businesses and brands from all angles – competitive, cultural, organizational, product and distribution. We conduct research. We listen. We learn. We study, crunch and distill until we find simple, creative solutions to complicated business problems.
Cracking Your Code
We’re a full-service agency with a wide range of expertise including: creative, design, research, strategy, identity development & naming, media planning & buying, digital & social media. But in everything we do, we’re always looking for different ways to crack your code. Not the same answer for every problem, the right answer to your problem.
In-House Production
We like to build things. As a small, nimble agency, we do a lot of our own production in house. We tend to jump right in and start asking questions that lead to answers and creative executions. Our production capabilities include film, editing, photography, music, and package design among other things.
4 is the New 5
We wondered what would happen if people had more time to spend with their friends and families. So we experimented with a four-day work week. Turns out we’re more creative, more productive and generally happier human beings when given the opportunity for a more balanced life. And like we always say, ‘If it’s good enough for Norway, it’s good enough for us.’
All Things Digital
A large portion of the work we do is digital. We provide development and technology expertise to companies ranging from the coffee shop down the street to Silicon Valley startups and multinational corporations that get millions of web visitors per month. We design websites, create digital campaigns, write code, build apps, design information architecture and content management systems, implement e-commerce solutions and provide analytics. For some clients, we are the technology department. For others, we augment their IT and development teams. For everyone, we’re a trusted partner.
ESOP's Fables
We believe this place is only as great as the people who work here. So we created an Employee Stock Ownership Plan to give everyone an ownership stake. Now no one works for The Man. Unless you’re a man. Then you still do.